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2023-09-29 18:07| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Disambig gray  关于Java版1.13前的自定义,请见“自定义/Java版1.13前”。关于可直接自定生物群系及地形生成器的世界类型,请见“自选世界类型”。关于Java版快照20w14∞中名为“custom”的彩蛋维度,请见“20w14infinite § 世界生成”。 Disambig gray  “自定义世界”重定向至此。关于创建自定义维度,详见“自定义维度”。关于使用数据包控制世界生成,详见“自定义世界生成”。 Clock 此条目需要更新。


Information icon 此特性为Java版独有。 Warped Forest Overworld



目录 1 访问 2 JSON格式 2.1 生成器类型 3 默认值 3.1 噪声生成器预设默认值 3.1.1 结构默认值 3.2 生物群系参数默认值 3.3 类型默认值 4 示例 4.1 默认设置 4.1.1 扩展的默认设置 4.2 “简洁”调试世界 4.3 实例1:自定义超平坦维度 5 历史 6 画廊 7 外部链接 8 参见 9 注释 10 参考 10.1 语言 访问[]



访问自行添加的维度的唯一方法是通过命令,比如/execute in run tp @s ~ ~ ~,这会将玩家传送到指定的维度(见§JSON格式)。

JSON格式[] 主条目:自定义维度和自定义世界生成


根标签  bonus_chest(布尔值):决定该世界是否会生成奖励箱(等同于“奖励箱”选项)。  generate_features(布尔值):决定该世界是否会自然生成结构。(等同于创建世界时的“生成结构”选项)  seed(整数):该世界的种子(数字)。  legacy_custom_options(字符串):自定义世界的预设值,用来生成旧的自定义世界。只存在于旧的自定义世界中。  dimensions:此世界中维度的列表,键为维度的命名空间ID。玩家会以minecraft:overworld(主世界)作为游戏的起点。如果没有定义minecraft:overworld,所有自定义维度设置都会被重置并重新生成默认的主世界。如果没有定义minecraft:the_nether(下界)或minecraft:the_end(末地)维度,那么下界传送门和末地传送门仍然可以被正常创建,但无法传送任何实体。 一个维度。世界正常运转必须要有维度minecraft:overworld、minecraft:the_nether和minecraft:the_end。自定义维度允许任何其他的命名空间ID。  generator:用于该维度的生成器设置。  type(字符串):生成器的ID。可以是minecraft:flat(超平坦维度)、minecraft:noise(噪点维度)、minecraft:debug(调试维度)。 其他复合标签(见下文)  type:可以是由维度选项、数据包中的维度类型文件的命名空间ID或四个默认维度类型的一个(minecraft:overworld, minecraft:the_nether, minecraft:the_end、minecraft:overworld_caves)组成的列表。 维度类型 生成器类型[] 根标签  type:生成器的ID。可以为noise、flat或debug。 当 type是minecraft:noise时,附加参数如下:  settings:地形生成器中使用的噪声设置。可以为一个噪声设置ID或一个噪声设置对象。  biome_source:设置要生成的生物群系及其形态。  type:生物群系生成类型。可以为minecraft:vanilla_layered、minecraft:fixed、minecraft:checkerboard、minecraft:multi_noise和minecraft:the_end。 如果type为multi_noise(用于下界和21w37a之后版本的主世界),附加的参数如下:  preset:(与 biomes互斥)要使用的一组生物群系原版预设。可以是nether或overworld  biomes:(与 preset互斥)(不能为空)生物群系列表,包括其目标噪声参数。 :一个生物群系及其属性。  biome:一个生物群系ID。一个生物群系ID可以重复多次以带有不同参数。  parameters:代表应该放置生物群系的最理想条件。这些值不会影响生物群系内的地形生成,而是影响游戏在何处选择安放这些生物群系。在每个特定点,都会选择一个与这一点在各个噪声图上的参数最接近的生物群系。例如,如果某一点的温度为-1,湿度为0.2,海拔为0.5,怪异度为0,那么则会选择桦木森林丘陵(温度-0.1、湿度0.2、海拔0.25、怪异度0)而不是沙漠(温度0.5、湿度-0.5、海拔0、怪异度0)。列表中的每一组参数组合必须独一无二,否则只生成其中第一项的生物群系。 生物群系噪声值参数 如果type为the_end(原版中末地的生物群系生成方式。以生物群系minecraft:the_end(末地)为中心,周围环绕着其他生物群系),没有附加参数。 如果type为fixed(单一生物群系。),附加的参数如下:  biome:生成的单一生物群系的ID。 如果type为checkerboard(每个生物群系单元呈正方形或近似正方形,并沿对角线重复排列),附加的参数如下:  biomes:沿着对角线重复的生物群系列表。可以为一个生物群系ID或一个生物群系标签,或者一个生物群系ID的列表。  scale:(可选,默认为2)在指数尺度上确定正方形的大小。取值范围为0到62的闭区间。 当 type是minecraft:debug(用于生成调试模式维度)时,没有附加参数。 当 type是minecraft:flat(用于生成超平坦地形)时,附加参数如下:  settings:超平坦设置。 超平坦生成器设置 默认值[] 噪声生成器预设默认值[]


属性 minecraft:overworld minecraft:amplified minecraft:nether minecraft:caves minecraft:end minecraft:floating_islands bedrock_roof_position -10 0 -10 bedrock_floor_position 0 0 -10 sea_level 63 32 0 disable_mob_generation false false true false default_block minecraft:stone minecraft:netherrack minecraft:stone minecraft:end_stone minecraft:stone default_fluid minecraft:water minecraft:lava minecraft:water minecraft:air minecraft:water structures stronghold distance 32 Tag not included Tag not included count 1 spread 3 structures See below noise top_slide target -10 120 -3000 size 3 3 64 offset 0 0 -46 bottom_slide target -30 320 -30 size 0 4 7 offset 0 -1 1 sampling xz_scale 0.9999999814507745 1 2 xz_factor 80 80 80 y_scale 0.9999999814507745 3 1 y_factor 160 60 160 size_vertical 2 2 1 size_horizontal 1 1 2 height 256 128 128 density_factor 1 0 0 density_offset -0.46875 0.019921875 0 random_density_offset true false false simplex_surface_noise true false true island_noise_override false false true false amplified false true false false 结构默认值[]


结构 间距 分布 盐值 village 32 8 10387312 desert_pyramid 32 8 14357617 igloo 32 8 14357618 jungle_pyramid 32 8 14357619 swamp_hut 32 8 14357620 pillager_outpost 32 8 165745296 stronghold[注 1] 1 0 0 monument 32 5 10387313 endcity 20 11 10387313 mansion 80 20 10387319 buried_treasure[注 2] 1 0 0 mineshaft[注 2] 1 0 0 ruined_portal nether and caves 25 10 34222645 所有其他预设 40 15 34222645 shipwreck 24 4 165745295 ocean_ruin 20 8 14357621 bastion_remnant 27 4 30084232 fortress 27 4 30084232 nether_fossil 2 1 14357921 生物群系参数默认值[]

这些是multi_noise biome_source中的每个生物群系使用的默认值。不过,虽然说只有下界生物群系的值可以通过预设值访问,但一些主世界生物群系也有默认值。

生物群系 温度 湿度 高度 怪异度 偏移 badlands -0.25 -0.5 0.5 0.2 1 badlands_plateau -0.25 -0.5 0.65 0.2 1 bamboo_jungle 0.5 0.5 0 0.2 1 bamboo_jungle_hills 0.5 0.5 0.25 0.2 1 basalt_deltas -0.5 0 0 0 0.175 beach 0 0 -0.1 0 0.9935 birch_forest -0.1 0.2 0 0 1 birch_forest_hills -0.1 0.2 0.25 0 1 crimson_forest 0.4 0 0 0 0 desert 0.5 -0.5 0 0 1 jungle 0.5 0.5 0 0 1 nether_wastes 0 0 0 0 0 ocean 0 0 -0.5 0 1 plains 0 0 0 0 1 snowy_tundra -0.5 -0.5 0 0 1 soul_sand_valley 0 -0.5 0 0 0 warm_ocean 0 0 -0.25 0 1 warped_forest 0 0.5 0 0 0.375 类型默认值[]


属性 主世界 下界 末地 主世界洞穴 ultrawarm false true false false natural true false false true coordinate_scale 1.0 8.0 1.0 1.0 piglin_safe false true false false respawn_anchor_works false true false false bed_works true false false true has_raids true false true true has_skylight true false false true has_ceiling false true false true fixed_time N/A 18000 6000 N/A ambient_light 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 logical_height 256 128 256 256 infiniburn infiniburn_overworld infiniburn_nether infiniburn_end infiniburn_overworld effects overworld the_nether the_end overworld 示例[]




JSON内容 { "seed": 0, "generate_features": true, "bonus_chest": false, "dimensions": { "minecraft:overworld": { "type": "minecraft:overworld", "generator": { "biome_source": { "preset": "minecraft:overworld", "type": "minecraft:multi_noise" }, "settings": "minecraft:overworld", "type": "minecraft:noise" } }, "minecraft:the_nether": { "type": "minecraft:the_nether", "generator": { "biome_source": { "preset": "minecraft:nether", "type": "minecraft:multi_noise" }, "settings": "minecraft:nether", "type": "minecraft:noise" } }, "minecraft:the_end": { "type": "minecraft:the_end", "generator": { "biome_source": { "type": "minecraft:the_end" }, "settings": "minecraft:end", "type": "minecraft:noise" } } } } 扩展的默认设置[] Clock 此段落需要更新。



JSON内容 { "bonus_chest": false, "dimensions": { "minecraft:overworld": { "type": { "logical_height": 256, "infiniburn": "minecraft:infiniburn_overworld", "effects": "minecraft:overworld", "ambient_light": 0.0, "respawn_anchor_works": false, "has_raids": true, "min_y": 0, "height": 256, "natural": true, "coordinate_scale": 1.0, "piglin_safe": false, "bed_works": true, "has_skylight": true, "has_ceiling": false, "ultrawarm": false }, "generator": { "biome_source": { "seed": 0, "large_biomes": false, "type": "minecraft:vanilla_layered" }, "seed": 0, "settings": { "noise_caves_enabled": false, "deepslate_enabled": false, "ore_veins_enabled": false, "noodle_caves_enabled": false, "min_surface_level": 0, "disable_mob_generation": false, "aquifers_enabled": false, "default_fluid": { "Properties": { "level": "0" }, "Name": "minecraft:water" }, "bedrock_roof_position": -2147483648, "bedrock_floor_position": 0, "sea_level": 63, "structures": { "stronghold": { "distance": 32, "spread": 3, "count": 128 }, "structures": { "minecraft:pillager_outpost": { "spacing": 32, "separation": 8, "salt": 165745296 }, "minecraft:village": { "spacing": 32, "separation": 8, "salt": 10387312 }, "minecraft:fortress": { "spacing": 27, "separation": 4, "salt": 30084232 }, "minecraft:desert_pyramid": { "spacing": 32, "separation": 8, "salt": 14357617 }, "minecraft:bastion_remnant": { "spacing": 27, "separation": 4, "salt": 30084232 }, "minecraft:stronghold": { "spacing": 1, "separation": 0, "salt": 0 }, "minecraft:monument": { "spacing": 32, "separation": 5, "salt": 10387313 }, "minecraft:swamp_hut": { "spacing": 32, "separation": 8, "salt": 14357620 }, "minecraft:endcity": { "spacing": 20, "separation": 11, "salt": 10387313 }, "minecraft:mineshaft": { "spacing": 1, "separation": 0, "salt": 0 }, "minecraft:igloo": { "spacing": 32, "separation": 8, "salt": 14357618 }, "minecraft:mansion": { "spacing": 80, "separation": 20, "salt": 10387319 }, "minecraft:buried_treasure": { "spacing": 1, "separation": 0, "salt": 0 }, "minecraft:ocean_ruin": { "spacing": 20, "separation": 8, "salt": 14357621 }, "minecraft:jungle_pyramid": { "spacing": 32, "separation": 8, "salt": 14357619 }, "minecraft:ruined_portal": { "spacing": 40, "separation": 15, "salt": 34222645 }, "minecraft:shipwreck": { "spacing": 24, "separation": 4, "salt": 165745295 }, "minecraft:nether_fossil": { "spacing": 2, "separation": 1, "salt": 14357921 } } }, "noise": { "simplex_surface_noise": true, "random_density_offset": true, "size_vertical": 2, "density_factor": 1.0, "density_offset": -0.46875, "top_slide": { "target": -10, "size": 3, "offset": 0 }, "bottom_slide": { "target": 15, "size": 3, "offset": 0 }, "size_horizontal": 1, "min_y": 0, "height": 256, "sampling": { "xz_scale": 0.9999999814507745, "y_scale": 0.9999999814507745, "xz_factor": 80.0, "y_factor": 160.0 } }, "default_block": { "Name": "minecraft:stone" } }, "type": "minecraft:noise" } }, "minecraft:the_nether": { "type": { "logical_height": 128, "infiniburn": "minecraft:infiniburn_nether", "effects": "minecraft:the_nether", "ambient_light": 0.1, "respawn_anchor_works": true, "has_raids": false, "min_y": 0, "height": 256, "natural": false, "coordinate_scale": 8.0, "piglin_safe": true, "bed_works": false, "fixed_time": 18000, "has_skylight": false, "has_ceiling": true, "ultrawarm": true }, "generator": { "biome_source": { "humidity_noise": { "firstOctave": -7, "amplitudes": [ 1.0, 1.0 ] }, "altitude_noise": { "firstOctave": -7, "amplitudes": [ 1.0, 1.0 ] }, "weirdness_noise": { "firstOctave": -7, "amplitudes": [ 1.0, 1.0 ] }, "seed": 0, "biomes": [ { "parameters": { "altitude": 0.0, "weirdness": 0.0, "offset": 0.0, "temperature": 0.0, "humidity": 0.0 }, "biome": "minecraft:nether_wastes" }, { "parameters": { "altitude": 0.0, "weirdness": 0.0, "offset": 0.0, "temperature": 0.0, "humidity": -0.5 }, "biome": "minecraft:soul_sand_valley" }, { "parameters": { "altitude": 0.0, "weirdness": 0.0, "offset": 0.0, "temperature": 0.4, "humidity": 0.0 }, "biome": "minecraft:crimson_forest" }, { "parameters": { "altitude": 0.0, "weirdness": 0.0, "offset": 0.375, "temperature": 0.0, "humidity": 0.5 }, "biome": "minecraft:warped_forest" }, { "parameters": { "altitude": 0.0, "weirdness": 0.0, "offset": 0.175, "temperature": -0.5, "humidity": 0.0 }, "biome": "minecraft:basalt_deltas" } ], "temperature_noise": { "firstOctave": -7, "amplitudes": [ 1.0, 1.0 ] }, "type": "minecraft:multi_noise" }, "seed": 0, "settings": { "noise_caves_enabled": false, "deepslate_enabled": false, "ore_veins_enabled": false, "noodle_caves_enabled": false, "min_surface_level": 0, "disable_mob_generation": false, "aquifers_enabled": false, "bedrock_roof_position": 0, "bedrock_floor_position": 0, "sea_level": 32, "structures": { "structures": { "minecraft:pillager_outpost": { "spacing": 32, "separation": 8, "salt": 165745296 }, "minecraft:village": { "spacing": 32, "separation": 8, "salt": 10387312 }, "minecraft:fortress": { "spacing": 27, "separation": 4, "salt": 30084232 }, "minecraft:desert_pyramid": { "spacing": 32, "separation": 8, "salt": 14357617 }, "minecraft:bastion_remnant": { "spacing": 27, "separation": 4, "salt": 30084232 }, "minecraft:stronghold": { "spacing": 1, "separation": 0, "salt": 0 }, "minecraft:monument": { "spacing": 32, "separation": 5, "salt": 10387313 }, "minecraft:swamp_hut": { "spacing": 32, "separation": 8, "salt": 14357620 }, "minecraft:endcity": { "spacing": 20, "separation": 11, "salt": 10387313 }, "minecraft:mineshaft": { "spacing": 1, "separation": 0, "salt": 0 }, "minecraft:igloo": { "spacing": 32, "separation": 8, "salt": 14357618 }, "minecraft:mansion": { "spacing": 80, "separation": 20, "salt": 10387319 }, "minecraft:buried_treasure": { "spacing": 1, "separation": 0, "salt": 0 }, "minecraft:ocean_ruin": { "spacing": 20, "separation": 8, "salt": 14357621 }, "minecraft:jungle_pyramid": { "spacing": 32, "separation": 8, "salt": 14357619 }, "minecraft:ruined_portal": { "spacing": 25, "separation": 10, "salt": 34222645 }, "minecraft:shipwreck": { "spacing": 24, "separation": 4, "salt": 165745295 }, "minecraft:nether_fossil": { "spacing": 2, "separation": 1, "salt": 14357921 } } }, "noise": { "density_factor": 0.0, "density_offset": 0.019921875, "simplex_surface_noise": false, "bottom_slide": { "target": 320, "size": 4, "offset": -1 }, "size_horizontal": 1, "size_vertical": 2, "height": 128, "sampling": { "xz_scale": 1.0, "y_scale": 3.0, "xz_factor": 80.0, "y_factor": 60.0 }, "top_slide": { "target": 120, "size": 3, "offset": 0 } }, "default_block": { "Name": "minecraft:netherrack" }, "default_fluid": { "Properties": { "level": "0" }, "Name": "minecraft:lava" } }, "type": "minecraft:noise" } }, "minecraft:the_end": { "type": { "logical_height": 256, "infiniburn": "minecraft:infiniburn_end", "effects": "minecraft:the_end", "ambient_light": 0.0, "respawn_anchor_works": false, "has_raids": true, "min_y": 0, "height": 256, "natural": false, "coordinate_scale": 1.0, "piglin_safe": false, "bed_works": false, "fixed_time": 6000, "has_skylight": false, "has_ceiling": false, "ultrawarm": false }, "generator": { "biome_source": { "seed": 0, "type": "minecraft:the_end" }, "seed": 0, "settings": { "noise_caves_enabled": false, "deepslate_enabled": false, "ore_veins_enabled": false, "noodle_caves_enabled": false, "min_surface_level": 0, "disable_mob_generation": true, "aquifers_enabled": false, "bedrock_roof_position": -2147483648, "bedrock_floor_position": -2147483648, "sea_level": 0, "structures": { "structures": { "minecraft:pillager_outpost": { "spacing": 32, "separation": 8, "salt": 165745296 }, "minecraft:village": { "spacing": 32, "separation": 8, "salt": 10387312 }, "minecraft:fortress": { "spacing": 27, "separation": 4, "salt": 30084232 }, "minecraft:desert_pyramid": { "spacing": 32, "separation": 8, "salt": 14357617 }, "minecraft:bastion_remnant": { "spacing": 27, "separation": 4, "salt": 30084232 }, "minecraft:stronghold": { "spacing": 1, "separation": 0, "salt": 0 }, "minecraft:monument": { "spacing": 32, "separation": 5, "salt": 10387313 }, "minecraft:swamp_hut": { "spacing": 32, "separation": 8, "salt": 14357620 }, "minecraft:endcity": { "spacing": 20, "separation": 11, "salt": 10387313 }, "minecraft:mineshaft": { "spacing": 1, "separation": 0, "salt": 0 }, "minecraft:igloo": { "spacing": 32, "separation": 8, "salt": 14357618 }, "minecraft:mansion": { "spacing": 80, "separation": 20, "salt": 10387319 }, "minecraft:buried_treasure": { "spacing": 1, "separation": 0, "salt": 0 }, "minecraft:ocean_ruin": { "spacing": 20, "separation": 8, "salt": 14357621 }, "minecraft:jungle_pyramid": { "spacing": 32, "separation": 8, "salt": 14357619 }, "minecraft:ruined_portal": { "spacing": 40, "separation": 15, "salt": 34222645 }, "minecraft:shipwreck": { "spacing": 24, "separation": 4, "salt": 165745295 }, "minecraft:nether_fossil": { "spacing": 2, "separation": 1, "salt": 14357921 } } }, "noise": { "island_noise_override": true, "density_factor": 0.0, "density_offset": 0.0, "simplex_surface_noise": true, "bottom_slide": { "target": -30, "size": 7, "offset": 1 }, "size_horizontal": 2, "size_vertical": 1, "height": 128, "sampling": { "xz_scale": 2.0, "y_scale": 1.0, "xz_factor": 80.0, "y_factor": 160.0 }, "top_slide": { "target": -3000, "size": 64, "offset": -46 } }, "default_block": { "Name": "minecraft:end_stone" }, "default_fluid": { "Name": "minecraft:air" } }, "type": "minecraft:noise" } } }, "seed": 0, "generate_features": true } “简洁”调试世界[] Lonewolf Dimension Commandline



JSON内容 { "seed": 0, "bonus_chest": false, "generate_features": false, "dimensions": { "minecraft:overworld": { "type": "minecraft:overworld", "generator": { "type": "minecraft:debug" } } } } 实例1:自定义超平坦维度[] Clock 此段落需要更新。


Custom superflat dimension



dimension对象数据 { "generator": { "settings": { "structures": { "structures": { "minecraft:village": { "spacing": 3, "separation": 1, "salt": 10387312 } } }, "layers": [ { "height": 5, "block": "minecraft:basalt" }, { "height": 4, "block": "minecraft:coarse_dirt" }, { "height": 1, "block": "minecraft:grass_block" } ], "biome": "minecraft:plains" }, "type": "minecraft:flat" }, "type": { "ultrawarm": false, "natural": true, "coordinate_scale": 1.0, "ambient_light": 0.5, "fixed_time": 1000, "has_skylight": true, "has_ceiling": false } } 历史[] Java版 2018年5月15日首次提及了Java版自定义世界的回归。[1][2][3] 1.1620w21a重新加入了自定义世界。 自定义世界现在由JSON文件驱动。现在可添加自定义维度,而原版已有的维度也可进行调整。调整世界的菜单并未加入游戏,自定义世界只能通过导入JSON文件来生成。 pre1维度和维度设置现在可通过数据包创建了。 生物群系的“temparature”(温度)参数现在被正确地拼写为“temperature”了。 1.16.220w28a自定义世界现在支持自定义生物群系这一实验性功能。 1.1720w49a最低建筑高度以及可放置方块的总高度现在可以通过自定义世界的JSON文件修改了,数值分别在-2048到2047,以及0到4096之间有效。 21w05a最低建筑高度以及可放置方块总高度的有效数值现在分别从-2048到2047、0到4096,调整到-2032到2031、0到4064。 画廊[] 放大化自定义世界增大最大高度之后,自然生成在Y=801处的雪。






外部链接[] 示例设置文件 生成器设定的详细教程 JSON生成器网站 参见[] 自定义维度 自定义世界生成 注释[] ↑ 占位值,没有实际作用 ↑ 2.0 2.1 这些结构不使用盐值,改变也不生效 参考[] ↑ "Customized worlds will be returning. I can't speak for the extra options you mentioned though." – u/AlmightyZing "But after 1.13" – u/_Grum,2018年5月15日 ↑ "Would you really not consider holding off 1.13 until customised worlds are finished? Seems pretty crazy to set a precedent for the chance of losing features for several updates.We came so close to having access to customising structures in world gen this update too, a shame that hasn't made the cut" – u/DaUltraMarine "No, they will come back but completely different from before." – u/_Grum,2018年5月15日 ↑ "No customization until after 1.13, or the other things?" – u/Kobbett "No more screens with 50 vague sliders indeed." – u/_Grum,2018年5月15日


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